Race Equality Matters is pleased to announce that Camden Carers have been awarded Bronze Trailblazer status!


With a strong pass across all Bronze Trailblazer criteria, 100% of our judges voted that Camden Carers’ application had demonstrated evidence of continued action in tackling racial inequality and the strongest area was the inclusivity and impact this action had. We are delighted that Camden Carers have achieved this status alongside being a Trailblazer for the My Name Is campaign.


Actions and initiatives


Launching “Making Carers Count” project 

The project aims to identify and support carers from ethnically diverse communities (predominantly the Somali, Bengali and Chinese communities). For this they:

  • Created a Carer Steering Group, a space for ethnically diverse carers to provide feedback about their service so that they can implement change at the organisation
  • Formed formal partnership working with organisations supporting Somali, Bengali and Chinese communities in Camden
  • Implemented training, outreach and events across the borough to reach under-represented carers
  • Developed Equality Impact Assessments to be used across activities, to ensure that they are equitable to people from a number of different backgrounds

The Making Carers Count team work closely with the E+D (Equality and Diversity) Working Group, an internal staff group brought into existence in 2019 after concerns were raised about the need for more effective anti-discriminatory practice. Some of the work they have done together is detailed below in other initiatives.




Introduced in February 2022 for Race Equality Week during an all-staff meeting, the #MyNameIs tool was rolled out in response to some employees from a range of different ethnic backgrounds had their name pronounced incorrectly. Reminders were sent out to all staff throughout the year to include the tool in their email signature, along with testimonies from staff already using the tool about why it is important. It has also become organisational policy for all staff members to include the phonetic spelling of their name in their email signature, with the CEO encouraging all managers to support anyone having difficulties.


Distribution of an organisational Language Guide

The Language Guide, introduced by the E+D Working Group, breaks down each of the protected characteristics, giving people examples of words that are appropriate to use when talking about different identities. Findings from the Making Carers Count project indicated that language was regularly cited as a barrier to ethnically diverse communities in Camden accessing health and social care services. In addition to the Language Guide, many materials were translated into other languages (specifically Bengali, Arabic, Somali, and Chinese). They have also held refresher Language Line training for staff, which provides over the phone translation for carers in many different languages.


Impact and Ethnically diverse Staff Endorsement


Camden Carers measured most of the impact of their work through qualitative and quantitative data from their staff, including those who are ethnically diverse. Some of the results are as follows:

  • With the Making Carers Count project, two new staff members were hiring specifically for it and their work with the wider staff team has allowed them to gather people’s ideas and feedback about the project
  • The percentage of carers from ethnically diverse communities that had accessed support from Making Carers Count rose from 28-41% (2021-2022)
  • 90% colleagues said the MCC project was impactful in tackling race inequality
  • 100% of all respondents to the Equality Impact Survey felt that the Language Guide was a useful tool for tackling inequality internally and externally, of which all staff were sent it and given the opportunity to suggest any changes
  • 76% of staff use the #MyNameIs tool and agreed that having the tool was useful for tackling inequality internally and externally
  • The E+D Working Group is made up of 57% staff from ethnically diverse backgrounds and 100% of all staff members felt they had been given the opportunity to join the group
  • 100% colleagues from ethnically diverse backgrounds also felt they had been given the opportunity to join the Black, Asian and ethnically diverse workers group
  • One member of this group said it “functions as a safe space for staff members to have open conversations, and has full support from the Senior Leadership Team”
  • 100% colleagues agreed both the working groups were effective in tackling inequality
  • 90% of staff agreed they believed the Language Guide was useful for tackling inequality internally and externally
  • 95% of staff felt that marking events such Black History Month and Race Equality Week was impactful in tackling race inequality
  • 62% of staff took part in Black History Month events and 71% in Race Equality Week events, which shows effectiveness in encouraging people to participate


Feedback from an Ethnically Diverse Panel


Our Trailblazer judges said Camden Carers’ application showed clear commitment to data shown through their ethnicity data and the Equality Impact survey they conducted. One commented that there were “really good examples of monitoring engagement to ensure that the activities implemented have been successful”, while another said there was “strong evidence from data gathering”. The data was used to not only show what worked well but also what required further consideration with tangible actions to support.


There was praise for the Language Guide, with one saying it was a “useful tool for promoting inclusion” and that in ensuring such resources are available and shared, including the Language Line and translated materials, their comms was accessible and supportive of more communities.


Others also commended the work being done by ethnically diverse staff and groups and the senior leader buy-in they were getting, displaying clear accountability and responsibility. Overall, judges liked the dedication and transparency of their application, which they felt showed the true breadth of the journey their organisation has taken to achieve a service and workplace that supports accessibility, diversity and inclusivity.


Next Steps…


Some of the next steps Camden Carers will be taking include:

  • Looking at securing further funding to continue the MCC project
  • Upon knowing that 40% of ethnically diverse staff were ‘not sure’ if the MCC project is impactful, they plan to do more work in engaging staff with the project and further staff engagement has been written into the project plan, with opportunities for staff to visit borough-wide community organisations with the team
  • Delivering training to others on the Language Guide
  • Implementing the Race Equality Matters Tea Break solution, which will be monthly one-hour drop-in sessions for staff to join and talk about a specific race equality topic
  • Delivering training around cultural sensitivity and intersectionality as this came up in the Equality Impact survey as areas where staff would appreciate more training in


Follow Camden Carers’ Lead: Become a Trailblazer

If your organisation is driving change for Race Equality and you can demonstrate impact, endorsement from ethnically diverse employees and share future plans; register your interest for the next round of trailblazers.

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