Why is Race Equality Week important?
With Newham being one of the most diverse boroughs in London, the council has pledged to make a meaningful and long-lasting change through its Tackling Racism, Inequality and Disproportionality (TRID) Programme, and work towards becoming an anti-racist organisation.
As part of Race Equality Week 2021, Newham put together a number of events to keep the conversation going, highlight progress and celebrate diversity and inclusiveness. This included:
- Publishing Staff Survey results & key themes focused on Tackling Racism, Inequality and disproportionality in the Workplace
- Showcasing our “My Name, My Identity” and “Embrace My Culture” campaigns
- A blog from Geeta Subramaniam-Mooney (Corporate Director of Brighter Futures and the TRID Programme Senior Responsible Officer) on the importance of Race Equality Week
- Launch of our ‘Engaging Allies’ facilitated discussions
- Hosting an #AskAlthea session with the Chief Executive, Althea Loderick which focused on Tackling Racism in the organisation
What are Newham’s plans for Race Equality Week 2022?
As well as getting involved with activities suggested by Race Equality Matters, we will hold a Community Time to Talk session which follows up on the conversations had with our residents. We want this session to be focused on committing to action and build upon the feedback we have received from our first two sessions.
We also look forward to launching an exhibition of artwork from our Newham Diaries project to capture the voices of residents who shared experiences of living in such a culturally diverse borough as well as any experience of discrimination because of their cultural background.
Why this year’s theme #ActionNotJustWords is so important?
Through the work on TRID, one of the messages that has come through loud and clear is the importance of all staff being able to be themselves, whatever their role, grade, background and lived experience. It is vital we are all accepted as individuals and not side-lined because our name, cultural background, appearance or anything else that goes into making us individuals.
This year’s Race Equality Week theme of #ActionNotJustWords reinforces our desire to actively implement sustainable changes following various conversations and feedback from our staff and the community. The conversations have begun but the actions must follow.

What do you hope to achieve as a result?
As a result of taking part in Race Equality Week 2022, we hope to reaffirm our commitment to becoming an anti-racist organisation. We want to keep the conversation going inside and outside the Council and emphasise our wish to bring about change through our actions. As Chief Executive, leading a genuinely anti-racist and inclusive organisation is one of my highest priority objectives and, in Newham, it is imperative that our communities experience that commitment in all of their interactions with the Council.
From Althea Loderick, Chief Executive Officer, London Borough of Newham