The Big Collaboration ‘Race And Series’

Date: 27 Jun 2024 12:30pm - 1:45pm

Location: Zoom

Categories: Race And

Free for Members

Non Members £49 to attend the event or £79 to attend and receive post event assets.

The Big Collaboration ‘Race And Gender

Intersectionality is on many people’s list of hot topics at the moment.

We have listened and have created a new series to address this and will be looking at race and additional factors that create more disadvantage and a greater uneven playing field.

This is a virtual event, so there are no geographic barriers. The first in this series is a focus on Race and Gender.

You will:

  • Hear why and how women who are ethnically diverse are doubly disadvantaged because of this fact.
  • Hear how organisations can look to address this.
  • Directly interact with like-minded people with the same purpose in bespoke virtual break-out rooms.
  • Be a #ChangeMaker to help accelerate change by sharing what works.
  • Gain new insights.
  • Make new connections.
  • Leave with hope.

Details of the event

People who are different, marginalised or disadvantaged typically have more than one characteristic that creates barrier, inequity and suffering just because of this. Everyone knows the importance of Diversity, inclusion and belonging in the workplace yet it is not happening and happening even less for international colleges.

To help change this, REM is creating a brand new series Race And

A series of Big Collaboration events where we will focus on race, and other dimensions of a person that holds them back, causes disadvantage and exclusion.

Our 1st event will be Race and Gender which is highly relevant following the recent horrific treatment (and lack of support) of Diane Abbott MP.

3 reasons why

  • 79% of Black and South Asian women have faced discrimination in the workplace. Many are changing their demeanour and sometimes even their names just to fit in the work place.
  • it takes a Black women 2 months longer than a white woman to find their first job.
  • why in 2024 are we hearing that Black Caribbean women earn 18% less on average than men.
Time for change, we need more allyship, sponsors, long term solutions, senior leadership buy in to lift our ethnically diverse colleagues so that going forwards we are truly talking about a level playing field
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