Race Network Leaders & Future Leads

Date: 7 Nov 2024 12:30pm - 1:45pm

Location: Zoom

Categories: Race Network Lead

Race Network Leaders & Future Leads

Join this free interactive event; there are no geographic barriers as all our events are virtual via Zoom.

You will:

  • Hear from expert speakers who will share what’s working when it comes to driving race equality.
  • Meet, collaborate, and exchange ideas with other changemakers in virtual discussion groups.
  • Take part in interactive polls and hear state of the nation poll results.
  • Gain access to 50+ insights and ideas following the event.

Why this event?

The Race Equality Matters community has told us that they benefit from connecting with different organisations.

This event series has been created so you can connect, share insights and ideas, and learn new skills.

Who is this event for?

There will be a focus on race networks (ERGs) at these events; however, this event series is valuable for all race equality changemakers.

Past attendees include Race Network Leaders, Race Network Members, Senior leaders, and HR and D&I representatives.

The 2023 Race Network Leaders and Future Leads series engaged over 1,000 attendees.

Polls revealed:

  • 96% would recommend the events.
  • 90% learnt something new.
  • 84% would use something they learnt.

Here are just a handful of their comments:

“What a great discussion!” | “Very insightful session.” |”Fantastic!” | “Very inspiring.” |

“Really helpful and positive.” |  “Thanks! Amazing! I am so happy!!!!!!” | “Lots to think about!” |

“Always such a positive buzz when I attend your events; I come away full of ideas and even more energy.” |

“Thank you so much for an informative space to discuss a range of topics on this.” |

“Good to take time and share experiences and good practice/suggestions.” | “Really interesting and useful session.”|


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