ICN Leadership Matters Conversation: Roger Kline Do We Still Need To Talk About Race?
Location: Online
ICN Leadership Matters Conversation: Roger Kline Do we still need to talk about race?
During this thought-provoking discussion, Roger, the designer of the Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES), will look at why achieving race equality is so important and why we have failed to make the progress we had hoped to. The session will also look at how research evidence can help us do much more in the future.
As part of our ongoing support to Leaders across the ICN we are running a set of monthly Leadership Matters Conversations bringing world class leaders to our virtual space to have conversations across a wide variety of topics.
Now in its third year, this year’s Race Equality Week theme is #ItsEveryonesBusiness.
We at Integrated Care Northamptonshire take Race Equality seriously. We believe that making Race Equality everyone’s business will have a meaningful impact on tackling race inequality, resulting in positive shifts in beliefs, cultures, behaviours, and outcomes for race equality.
We invite you to join our free online MS Team events, to hear from national expert speakers on Race Equality:-
This month we are excited to be joined by Roger Kline, Research Fellow at Middlesex University Business School
Summary of session
Roger has authored several reports on race equality in the NHS including “The Snowy White Peaks of the NHS” (2014) and Fair to Refer (2019) with Dr Doyin Atewologun. Come and hear about Roger’s passion for race equality and the recent work he has undertaken to help NHS employers reduce inequalities in staff recruitment and career progression.
Roger Kline is Research Fellow at Middlesex University Business School. Roger has authored several reports on race equality in the NHS including “The Snowy White Peaks of the NHS” (2014) and Fair to Refer (2019) with Dr Doyin Atewologun.
He designed the Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) and was joint national director of the WRES team 2015-17.
He is co-author (with Michael Preston Shoot) of Professional accountability in social care and health (Sage 2013) . He is co-author of Being Fair (2019) on disciplinary action in the context of patient safety and human factors and co-author with Prof Duncan Lewis of The Price of Fear (2018) on bullying in the NHS.
Roger is author of No More Tick Boxes (NHS East of England September 2021) a review of the research evidence on fair recruitment and career progression to be published in July 2021.
He was co-author of Difference Matters (National Guardian Office 2021) and Why are we still here? (BMA 2022)
Roger was voted as one of the top 30 Most Influential UK HR thinkers by HR Magazine in 2021 and again in 2022
He blogs extensively on workforce culture, notably on whistleblowing, bullying, disciplinary action, recruitment and career progression with particular reference to race equality.
This event will be held via Microsoft Teams and the link will be emailed to the email address which you register with on the morning of the event.