Get Ready for Race Equality Week 2024
Location: Zoom
Categories: Race Equality Week
Tags: #5 day challenge #Heathrow #impact of race equality week 2023 #Lloyds #REW 2024 #Social Care Institute for Excellence #survey insights

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Find out what happened during Race Equality Week 2023 and the impact it had on the organisations involved.
Hear insights from the post Race Equality Week survey.
View the poll results from the event.
Hear from:
Event chair: Raj Tulsiani, Chair and Co-founder of Race Equality Matters, and CEO of Green Park.
Expert Speakers:
– Michaela Gray, HR Business Partner, Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), who talks about:
The 5-Day Challenge and the difference it made.
– Mark Lomas, Head of Culture, Lloyd’s who talks about:
1.What Lloyd’s has been doing to promote active allyship.
2. How Lloyd’s is promoting better collection of ethnicity data & what the data shows about ethnically diverse colleagues in the Lloyd’s Market.
3. The progress that has been made since Lloyd’s CPO and CEO made Big Promises.
4. How the insurance sector has engaged with Race Equality Week.
– Anita Chagar, Strategic Partnerships Manager & Diversity Network Lead for Culture & Ethnicity at Heathrow Airport who talks about:
What Heathrow did during Race Equality Week 2023 and the difference it made.