Publish your big promise

I, , promise to:

    Be accountable. Publish your promise.

    We believe real change for race equality starts with transparency, accountability and action. That is why we are asking you to publish your promise on social media, encouraging your peers to also make a promise and create a circle of encouragement and accountability..

    Simply copy your promise:

    Have you copied your Big Promise? Great. Here are three ways to share it:

    • Publish your Big Promise. Using the social icons on the left, paste your Big Promise into your post. Approx. 30 seconds.
    • Personalise your Big Promise Postcard. Post, print and preserve a visual reminder of your Big Promise, downloading the template below and following the instructions on page 2. Approx. 2-3 minutes.
    • Hold up your Big Promise. Show us how you intend to hold up your Big Promise with a photo, downloading the template below and following the instructions on page 4. No printer? No problem. Approx. 5 minutes.


    Hold up your big promise


    Download our Big Promise Social Template and show us how you will hold up your promise.

    Join the movement! #HoldUpYourPromise

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