Did you know? 

73% of individuals from more than 100 organisations said they had their names mispronounced. They told us it made them feel ‘disrespected’, ‘not valued’ and that they ‘don’t belong’ in their organisations.


Organisations talk about being inclusive, and a great way to start is by getting people’s names right.

88% thought a phonetic name spelling campaign would help tackle this and race inequality. The #MyNameIs campaign aims to be that solution.

Continue reading to see how you can normalise phonetic spellings of names to increase workplace inclusion today.

Here are 8 ways your organisation can use phonetic name spellings:

1. In your Email Signature

Simply edit your footer and include the phonetic spelling alongside the necessary information (such as pronouns and title).

2. On Lanyards and ID/Name Badges

Whether you’re in an office, classroom or shopfloor, make it visible for all your colleagues and external stakeholders.

3. On CV documents

Organisations should encourage applicants to include it on CVs, to ensure names are pronounced correctly first-time round. This will avoid often belittling mistakes and demonstrate your company’s commitment to change.

4. Across all Social Medias

LinkedIn now has its own audio pronunciation function tool to try, but feel free to manually add phonetics on your other platforms too.

5. In all workplace communications 

Whether you use Slack or Teams, including phonetic name spellings is a simple yet effective way to increase inclusion. Monzo Bank have started to use #MyNameIs on their employee Slack profiles, as shared on LinkedIn. This is great for employees that work remotely!

6. Add it on all application forms 

Whether in a workplace or everyday environment, using phonetic name spelling will ease everyday functions, such as buying a car or starting a new job.

7. In the physical workplace environment 

Phonetic name spellings can be added to all areas of the workplace environment (such as doors, desks, plaques and meeting rooms), so everyone in the building can see these visual prompts.


Prior to a meeting, workshop, conference or initial introductions, thinking in advance when meeting new or familiar people is the best way to ensure phonetic name spellings are used effectively across your organisation. By ensuring you include phonetic name spelling prior to meeting someone, you can be preventative not reactive.


Because a name is more than just a name.

For more information on the #MyNameIs solution, download our free guide, other resources and hear from individuals who have shared their experience from this solution on our website.

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